Understanding your specific hair type

Understanding your specific hair type can help you choose the right products and techniques for your hair care routine.

Any successful natural hair service should begin with a consultation and a hair analysis. Recent services must be considered in the consultation (the last color, the last relaxer, the last thermo style) because they change the hair's authenticity.

Curl patterns or wave patterns refers to the amount of movement in the hair strand. and Curl pattern can be described as straight, wavy, curly, and coily. Wave patterns are a result of genetics or racial background. 

However, in a proper hair analysis, the most important factors are usually texture, porosity, elasticity, and density.

Hair texture is the thickness or diameter of the individual hair strand. It can be classified as coarse, medium, or fine. One head can have several different textures.

  • Coarse 
  • Medium
  • Fine
  • Hair density is the number of individual hair strands on one square inch of scalp. Hair density refers to hair being thick, medium, or thin.

  • Thick 
  • Medium
  • Thin
  • Hair porosity is the ability of the hair to absorb moisture. The degree of porosity is directly related to the condition of the cuticle layer. Healthy hair with a compact cuticle layer is naturally resistant to penetration. Porous hair has a raised cuticle layer that absorbs water.

    Hair elasticity is the ability of the hair to stretch and return to its original length without breaking. Hair with low elasticity is brittle and breaks easily. Hair with high elasticity is strong and grows longer.

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