Presentando la Red de Texturas
En Evolving Textures, somos más que una marca de cuidado del cabello: somos una comunidad. Aquí es donde nuestro compromiso con tu satisfacción cobra protagonismo. Texture Network es tu centro de referencia para conectarte, aprender y ahorrar. Tanto si eres miembro de nuestra comunidad desde hace mucho tiempo como si recién estás comenzando tu recorrido con nosotros, aquí encontrarás todo lo que necesitas para mantenerte comprometido y empoderado.
Recompensas por fidelidad y referencias
Desbloquea recompensas exclusivas con cada compra y recomendación. Nuestro programa de fidelización valora tu compromiso al ofrecerte puntos que puedes canjear por descuentos en nuestros productos para el cuidado del cabello a base de plantas y naturales. ¡Invita a tus amigos y gana bonificaciones por cada recomendación exitosa!
- Únase a nuestro Programa de Lealtad hoy y comience a ganar.
- Recomiende a un amigo y celebre la belleza de compartir.
Suscríbete y ahorra
La constancia es clave para el crecimiento del cabello . Suscríbete a nuestro programa Suscríbete y ahorra para recibir tus productos Evolving Textures favoritos en tu domicilio con la frecuencia que elijas. Disfruta de la comodidad de las entregas automáticas y de ahorros de hasta el 15 % en cada pedido.
- Administra mis suscripciones: cancela, actualiza productos o pagos fácilmente y fechas de entrega aquí.
Programa de afiliados y mayoristas
Crezca con nosotros. Únase a nuestro Programa de afiliados para ganar comisiones o conviértase en mayorista para tener productos Evolving Textures en su salón o tienda. Apoyamos a nuestros socios con materiales de marketing, capacitación sobre productos y descuentos exclusivos.
- Conviértete en afiliado y colabora con nuestro crecimiento.
- Obtenga más información sobre las oportunidades de venta al por mayor y amplíe su oferta.
Entradas de blog
Explora nuestras historias, consejos y conocimientos. Nuestro blog es un espacio para compartir la rica historia real africana, lo último en cuidado del cabello y cómo aprovechar tu belleza natural. Cada publicación es un paso hacia la aceptación de tu yo auténtico.
- Lea nuestro blog para obtener inspiración y orientación.
Próximos eventos
¡Únete a la comunidad en vivo! Organizamos talleres, seminarios web y reuniones para conectarte y aprender juntos. Desde sesiones de estilismo hasta seminarios de negocios, hay un evento para todos.
- Explora los próximos eventos y reserva tu lugar.
Recursos educativos
El conocimiento es poder, especialmente cuando se comparte. Explore nuestros recursos para obtener todo tipo de información, desde consejos prácticos para el cuidado del cabello hasta asesoramiento empresarial estratégico diseñado para emprendedores de la industria de la belleza.
- Acceda a recursos educativos para mejorar su rutina de cuidado del cabello y su visión empresarial.
Conéctate con nosotros
Estamos entusiasmados por crecer y aprender contigo en cada paso de tu recorrido. Únete a The Texture Network para mantenerte actualizado y participar en todo lo que Evolving Textures tiene para ofrecer.
Contáctenos con sus preguntas, comentarios o ideas.
01. The order
When do I receive my order?
When placing the order, a day of shipment is indicated. After the order has been placed, the same delivery time will also be stated on the order confirmation. It is therefore never possible that during the order, the shipping day on the website, is different than on the order confirmation.
I now see the longer delivery time of (a part of) my order. How can I cancel it?
If the order has a longer delivery time than you had previously seen, it is of course possible to cancel (a part of) the order. For this you can contact our customer service. They will cancel the order for you. The purchase amount will be back on your bank account within two working days. When an order has already been shipped, it can no longer be cancelled.
When will I receive the invoice for my order?
When you have paid for the order, you will not automatically receive an invoice for your order. If you wish to receive an invoice, this can be done in two ways.The first way is through your account at our store. When you log in to your account you can see your orders and download the invoice.
02. Shipment
When do I receive my order?
When placing the order, a day of shipment is indicated. After the order has been placed, the same delivery time will also be stated on the order confirmation. It is therefore never possible that during the order, the shipping day on the website, is different than on the order confirmation.
I now see the longer delivery time of (a part of) my order. How can I cancel it?
If the order has a longer delivery time than you had previously seen, it is of course possible to cancel (a part of) the order. For this you can contact our customer service. They will cancel the order for you. The purchase amount will be back on your bank account within two working days. When an order has already been shipped, it can no longer be cancelled.
When will I receive the invoice for my order?
When you have paid for the order, you will not automatically receive an invoice for your order. If you wish to receive an invoice, this can be done in two ways.The first way is through your account at our store. When you log in to your account you can see your orders and download the invoice.
03. The order
When do I receive my order?
When placing the order, a day of shipment is indicated. After the order has been placed, the same delivery time will also be stated on the order confirmation. It is therefore never possible that during the order, the shipping day on the website, is different than on the order confirmation.
I now see the longer delivery time of (a part of) my order. How can I cancel it?
If the order has a longer delivery time than you had previously seen, it is of course possible to cancel (a part of) the order. For this you can contact our customer service. They will cancel the order for you. The purchase amount will be back on your bank account within two working days. When an order has already been shipped, it can no longer be cancelled.
When will I receive the invoice for my order?
When you have paid for the order, you will not automatically receive an invoice for your order. If you wish to receive an invoice, this can be done in two ways.The first way is through your account at our store. When you log in to your account you can see your orders and download the invoice.
04. Returns, exchanges and complaints
When do I receive my order?
When placing the order, a day of shipment is indicated. After the order has been placed, the same delivery time will also be stated on the order confirmation. It is therefore never possible that during the order, the shipping day on the website, is different than on the order confirmation.
I now see the longer delivery time of (a part of) my order. How can I cancel it?
If the order has a longer delivery time than you had previously seen, it is of course possible to cancel (a part of) the order. For this you can contact our customer service. They will cancel the order for you. The purchase amount will be back on your bank account within two working days. When an order has already been shipped, it can no longer be cancelled.
When will I receive the invoice for my order?
When you have paid for the order, you will not automatically receive an invoice for your order. If you wish to receive an invoice, this can be done in two ways.The first way is through your account at our store. When you log in to your account you can see your orders and download the invoice.